List Files

Here's what the app looks like when you create a new file:

The file tabs are composed of three main sections: the list itself, stats, and settings. You can switch between them using the left-side bar.

When you open a file, you can close it via the close button in the tab's header, through the File > Close menu item, or by pressing Ctrl+W.

The List Section

Here's what the list section looks like when it contains entries:

List Structure

The list items can be of three types:

  • Movies

  • Series

  • Franchises

By default, the items are sorted alphabetically by title and then by year if their title is the same, but it's configurable.

Franchises are used to group related items together and without them some items would be scattered across the list when it would make more sense to have them appear together.

The list has four columns:

  • Sequence number to show the item's number in a franchise

  • The title in your native language

  • The original title

  • Year or years

The majority of popular contemporary movies are in English, so if your native language is English, then the title will often be the same as the original title.

All item types can have multiple titles and original titles since different translations exist or the item is marketed differently in different markets. Only the first title and original title is shown in the list. Every item can have up to 10 titles and up to 10 original titles, although even that is too much in my opinion.


Every item can be of a certain kind. Kinds are used to color-code items in the list. Every kind has six colors for various item types and states:

  • Movie which has already been watched

  • Movie which hasn't been watched yet

  • Movie which hasn't been released yet

  • Series which has already been watched or is being watched

  • Series which hasn't been watched yet

  • Series which hasn't been released yet

There are no separate colors for franchises - they get the color of their first entry.

By default, every file contains three kinds (although it can be configured):

  • Live-action: movies are black, series are blue

  • Animation: movies are green, series are light-blue

  • Documentary: both movies and series are purple

The default kinds have all non-watched items as red and all non-released items as dark red.


Every item can have one or more tags. They can be used for searching or filtering, although you can choose not to use them at all. Unlike kinds, tags don't influence the item's color in the list. In fact, they don't impact the app's behavior in any way - they are just auxiliary pieces of information. Tags are applicable to movies and series. You can't add tags to franchises. You can also restrict a tag to be applicable only to movies or only to series.

Every tag has a name, category, description, and color. The name/category combination must be unique. Names should generally be short enough for the tag not to take up too much space and should be all-lowercase. e.g. comedy. The categories are used to semantically group tags. They should start with a capital letter, e.g. Genre. Descriptions are used to provide more info about tags, but are not required. Colors are used to more easily discern tags.

In addition, tags can imply other tags. For example, if you specify that the tag black comedy implies comedy, it means that every movie or series which has the black comedy tag will also implicitly have the comedy tag as well.

Adding Items to the List

You can add new items to the list by clicking the buttons in the right-side panel, which will open a form for editing the item. If you want to edit an existing item, click on it, and the form for this item will be opened. You can't create franchises directly because they are not supposed to be standalone list items. Rather, you create them through previously created items.

You can learn more about editing list items in the next article.

The Stats Section

Statistics are not implemented yet, so the respective left-side bar item is disabled.

The Settings Section

Here's what the settings for a file look like:

You can open the file settings by clicking the left-side bar item, through the File > Settings menu item, or by pressing Ctrl+P.

The settings consist of the three main sections: main settings, kind settings, and tag settings.

Main File Settings

You can edit the following file attributes in the settings:

  • List name

  • Title language

  • Default season title

  • Default season original title

  • Default first sorting order

  • Default first sorting direction

  • Default second sorting order

  • Default second sorting direction

You can name your list however you like and it doesn't have to be the same as the name of the file. The list name appears in the tab header and in the recent files list on the home page.

Title language is used to correctly sort titles. While original titles can be in any language, titles will usually be in your native language, and sorting rules may be different for different languages.

Default season title and original title are used to generate titles for newly created seasons for series. The # symbol will be replaced with the actual season number. For example, if the default season title is Season # and you create two seasons, their default names will be Season 1 and Season 2 respectively. Same for season original titles. You can learn more about the season form in the article on series.

Default sorting is the sorting which is applied when you open the file. More info on sorting can be found in the article about searching, filtering, and sorting.

Kind Settings

Here you can edit existing kinds, delete them, or add new ones.

A single kind setting consists of a name and six colors for the aforementioned item types. You can edit colors by clicking on them and by editing the color in the modal window.

You can select a color in the color picker or enter its HEX color value. Mind that the HEX value field uses ARGB instead of RGB. You can add FF in the beginning to convert an RGB value into an ARGB value.

You can have as many kinds as you like (but more than zero). You can't delete kinds that have items of that kind in the list. If you want to delete a kind, you should manually edit its every item to have a different kind.

Tag Settings

Here you can edit existing tags, delete them, or add new ones.

When you add a new tag, or click on an existing one, a tag editing form is opened in the modal window where you can edit all the aforementioned attributes. The same rules apply to tag colors as to kind colors.

You can have as many tags as you like, or none at all, if you don't want to use them. Unlike kinds, you can delete tags which belong to existing items. If you do, then all items will lose this tag.

Last updated